Tamburitza World Association preparing the Congress and the Festival in Novi Sad
Congress of the Tamburitza World Association will be held on 26 June in Novi Sad, a day before the beginning of the seventh World Festival of tamburitza “Tamburica fest” at the Petrovaradin fortress. That is decided by the Board of Directors of the planetary associations seated in Novi Sad, where Dr. Jovan Pejčić, the president, and Jovan Adamov, member of the Board of Directors, were presenting a range of activities of the association in fostering the tradition, preserving the cultural heritage, strengthening the profession and connecting related associations from all over the world, but animating the section of related strings, balalaika, mandolin, bouzouki… and starting publishing activities which would contribute the sound of tamburitza to get out even further.
– The world does not know the possibilities of the tamburitza. We are familiar with that, but it is necessary for the other admirers to hear it and let us to show them everything what it can do. – Said Miro Vuksanović, a representative of the European Tamburitza Federation from Banja Luka.
According to Franjo Batorek, professor from Osijek and one of the leaders of the association, the most successful bands of the tamburitza festival in Novi Sad should perform this year in Sicily, at the festival of mandolin.
World Congress will be attended by the leaders of the American and Canadian Society, whose orchestras, as it was announced “on the other side of the pond” will participate at this year tamburitza festival at the Petrovaradin fortress.
To the congress will also contributethe Europeans, members of the World Tamburitza Association and there are the chances that the Austrianswill establish theNational Association and join to the WorldAssociation, which officially gathers 23 tambouras orchestra.
In addition to the expert, the work of the association shall have the significant place and a business segment with wide program activities, concerts, TV shows and establishment of a data bank significant for the tamburitza.- Said Jovan Adamov.
– This is an incentive for contractors, which are here within easy reach and which would thereby acquire an appropriate personal confirmation. The most important thing is that the association affirms activities to improve the level and rating and forcertain to combine the literature that would have practical value, explained Adamov.
It is interesting that at the upcoming Congress of the World Tamburitza Association, will be established and composed five members – Honorary Board of distinguished artists, headed by already designated Zvonko Bogdan.
World Tamburitza Congress in addition to labor associations, will pay attention to professions, so there will be held a series of lectures by artists from abroad.
– Profession wants standardization in order for thetambourato be set on even higher artistic level. Therefore, the domestic and foreign lecturers handle a number of important issues that will contribute to the affirmation of tambura. – Explained Dr. Jovan Pejčić, the president of the World Tamburitza Association.
Miro Marinković, a representative of the European Tamburitza Association from Banja Luka points out that the Alliance fully supports the work of the World Tamburitza Association.
– We are ready to offer everything we have without any doubt to the association and we are very proud to be the part of it. We are happy that Novi Sad is the center of the tamburitzas world as it deserves to be according to all, as per tradition and its rich and meaningful activities that are taking place. We want the musical art at the higher level and finally to get a world tamburitza library. -Marinković said.