“Tamburitza Assembly” in Vojvodina village DERONJE

"Tamburitza Assembly" in Vojvodina village DERONJE, spectacular project of the World Tamburitza Association The best orchestra „BIĆE SKORO PROPAST SVETA“ Deronje tamburitza band, "Biće skoro propast sveta", was the winner of "TamburitzaAssembly" which has participated together with 11 orchestras in contention, wide review program and a variety of interesting related content. It was held on 30. and 31. of August in Deronje village near the town Odžaci, in front of over 30 000 fans from the...

Promotion World Tamburitza Association to Press Conference

FROM THE FESTIVAL TO THE PLANETARY PROJECT Within the 6th World "Tamburitza Fest" , 29 June 2013th years , at a press conference was presented a newly established Association - World Tamburitza Association. It was announced that the initiative for the establishment of the association came a year earlier, 5th in order "Tamburitza fest" , when Novi Sad visited members of the Board of tambura Alliance of America and Canada and the leaders of the...